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复变函数简介 Introduction of complex Function |
复变函数产生于十八世纪,主要由欧拉、达朗贝尔、拉普拉斯等数学家创建。到十九世纪,由于柯西、维尔斯特拉斯、黎曼等数学家的工作,使得复变函数理论得到全面发展,并变成十分热门的新数学分支。二十世纪初,瑞典数学家列夫勒、法国数学家彭加勒、阿达玛等作了大量的研究工作,开拓了复变函数理论更广阔的研究领域。到今天复变函数已有三百多年的历史,被广泛应用于自然科学的众多领域,如理论物理、空气动力学、流体力学、弹性力学、自动控制学、信号处理、电子工程、量子信息与量子计算等领域。复变函数论以其完美的理论体系与独特的技巧方法成为数学学科的一个重要组成部分,推动了许多学科的发展,成为解决某些理论与实际问题的强有力工具。 Complex variable function was born in eighteenth Century, mainly established by Euler, D'Alembert, Laplace and other mathematicians. By nineteenth Century, due to the work of Cauchy, Weierstrass, Riemann and other mathematicians, the theory of complex variable function has been fully developed, and become a very popular new branch of mathematics. At the beginning of twentieth Century, Swedish mathematician Leffler, French mathematician Poincare, Hadamard have done a lot of research work, to develop the complex variable function theory of a broader research area. Today the complex function has a history of more than and 300 years, widely used in many natural science fields, such as theoretical physics, aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, elastic mechanics, automatic control theory, signal processing, electronic engineering, quantum information and quantum computing. With its perfect theoretical system and unique techniques, Complex function theory which promotes the development of many disciplines has become an important part of mathematics of complex function, and a powerful tool to solve some theoretical and practical problems.
经典英文原著 Classical English Original |